Application description
Kampal Research (KR) is a tool developed and commercialized by Kampal Data Solutions for the analysis of R&D Institutions. Therefore, all available data from corporative and third party databases is downloaded. Then, their structure is analyzed and visualized using statistics and complex systems techniques, plotting the results in terms of numbers and graphs. This way we obtain a reliable representation of the institutions and groups that form it, along with individual researchers, and relevant information for decision making in short, medium and large term to improve it.
Data is the keystone of the tool, which can be divided in three categories:
- Data about the institution personnel
- Organizational structure (Divisions, Centers, Departments...)
- Data relative to the activity from the Institution: Publications, Projects, Thesis, Patents, etc.
With them, a deep analysis about the Institution is made, providing among others:
- Statistical analysis of its activity
- Relational maps construction
- Communities identification
- Strong and weak spots in the collaborative structure
- Prominent or peripheral researchers
- Evolution over time of the activity
- Identification of new opportunities or shrinking activities
- Individual reports
- Reports on departments, centers, different groups...
Different institutions have different categories and classifications. Kampal adapts to these features analyzing all available data, varying with each institution. An institution might have its patents registered, or the Erasmus’ trips of its students, when another one might not. This is why everything reflected in this manual might not correspond to a particular institution.
In the following figure we can see a global schema of the data and information flow at Kampal Research.

Application access
The application can be accessed through, where there is a link to There, public projects can be seen. If you have an account all public and private projects associated with that account can be accessed.
At Kampal Research (KR) each basic unit of analysis, the project generally corresponding to an institution, can be configured as public or private. If public, it will be accessible by any guest to the site, if private, only users with username and password will be able to access it. In any other situation, other access control systems can be used, such as IP filtering.
Projects configuration
Projects can be configured by their owner (superuser, there can be several). For this, once logged in, he can access the administration project menu clicking in the project icon. The available functionalities are:
- Pick an image. It will be shown when accessing the project.
- Set public/private. If it is declared public, anyone will be able to visualize and browse through the project (without configuration access). If it is private, it will be only accesible if the user has an account
- Create a user. The project superuser can create here, if the project is public, any number of users, assigning them a default password. Only in private projects. These users can't access the configuration menu.
- Description. A brief descriptive text of the project that will be shown as Info.
- Institutional presentation. In the access icon to the institution, a PDF with any information uploaded by the superuser can be accessed.
Projects access
Through public projects or my projects (if logged in) you can access the corresponding projects.
A project list with a brief summary of each one of them can be seen.
To access a single project, click on its image; if it’s public it can be accessed directly; if private, it will ask for a user and password if not logged in with an authorized user. To follow this manual, it is recommended to follow it using the application. If you don't have an authorized account, the Demo institution, ficticious and public, can be used.